Funny how that works. Game quality declines and sales decline. The reason there is less spending is because there is 1 good game a year if we are lucky 20 years ago there was 20+ good games a year.
To me it is about time quit giving these no talent hacks money till they start making quality products again.
They sure did not research bad 80s movies much. I could probably find a thousand movies far worse then any of these listed. 80s had a whole lot of garbage. Was so much sci fi and horror movies made that were a worse production then most porn films.
You had grade B movies in the 60s and 70s but in the 80s they went far beyond that grading system in bad. Just about any movie you seen in the video store with some kind of gimmick cover like a hologram beats any of these listed movies alone.
I mean EPIC horrible movies that make those Sci Fi channel VS movies look like great films. Sharktopuss vs whale wolf has nothing on 80s bad movies.
@dashaka: you obviously did not play torchlight 3. It was already horrible. Then they took away sockets and made it twice as bad. They have 0 chance of making a good game after that flop.
OG Top Gun is a classic. We in an entertainment drought for the past 5 years or so. And Maverick was supposed to release like 3 years ago so it built up interest. No surprise it did really well. And we been really in a drought of pro-american movies because everyone in Hollywood scared of not getting that China money.
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