@bababooey12: Can honestly say I have never played a Moba or a battle royal EVER. Well cept for about 10 minutes because a crap friend asked me to play smite and swore it was not a moba.
@bdrtfm: Not sure if you played the ps4 recently but there is about 1000 more games on the ps4. Heck the psvr games alone are a good chunk of that. And I said younger not annoying you got plenty of annoying older gamers. Xbox players younger because the xbox is younger.
Not disparaging the xbox players it is just a fact. There is not statistics to back it but is just common sense. I mean the playstation is 8 years older. I used to PC game for the same reason but I get too involved in games on PC and play way to hardcore. On the ps4 i can be elite without having to work so hard at it and still have 40-50 year old gamers to play with.
Yeah was a surprise I was on the other day and seen the update logged on and an hour later was done with DLC and 65 very unimpressed. Even farmed the bosses seems they have 2 loots each and unless I was really unlucky there was only 1 random new legendary(sage shotgun).
Lol so many that call XboxX biggest weakness to me a positive. Fact that xboxx is backwards/forwards compatible means there will be less games that actually use the X's power. No incentive to make them either. Sure there will be upverts but there is a huge difference between an upvert and a game made for the system. And when 8k games become a thing the difference will be a lot more pronounced.
To me does not matter if Xboxx has an exclusive I want I will buy it so far they do not and the xbone never did either. Have not screwed with xbox since the 360 and the exclusives I played on it were mediocre at best. But not a hater or a fanboy i play on ps4 for the same reason the majority do. We been playing it and interacting with the community for decades. Online gaming on xbox is kind of bad for me the playerbase is much younger on average and nothing against younger people but I do not enjoy playing with them.
Probably just going to announce more kids games. Seriously there a few decent games coming but what the heck is up with the 1000 mario the hedgehog type games? Pretty sure when Sony announces the price it will be a surprise they not going to give us any advanced warning.
Does not really matter a 100 dollars here or there might give them a few more sales but it really does not change many minds. I mean the outrageous xbox1 still got all the xbox fanboys pretty much. I mean if you gaming online and all your friends on xbox you pretty much stuck with xbox. I thought xbox was going to be 700 to tell you the truth but now that they have announced i bet sony just going to match prices they probably can not beat that price.
I bet they do not go as low on the cheap no disc version though. Because people do not mind not having a disc drive but losing 2/3 of their power not going to happen.
@EstrugaZ: Fornite Apex and overwatch are bad because of what type of game they are. They are not meant to have endgame and cool itemizations and builds to play with. Anthem and Fo76 both only real problem is pretty much after you are done with story mode there is nothing to do except get some crappy upgrades that do not matter because there is nothing to use them on.
I admit I have never played any of those 3 games. Have not really been into competitive shooters since like CoD2(original 2). But I play games like Fo76, Anthem, Destiny, etc for the online rpg aspects and because the "got to have it now" types from those previously mentioned games get in there and demand it get easier and quicker NOW NOW NOW. And ruin it for those of us that play those games for the timesinks. But Fo76 and Anthem did not have that problem their problems are all on the shoulders of designers.
People defended Anthem the same way and Fo76 and well all know who ended up being right in the end. Usually it is the fanboy that are the most disappointed by these types of games it just takes them a bit to realize it.
@Thanatos2k: Think the failing franchise is creating controversy to try to save the game? Kind of like Kaepernick did when his career was in the toilet when he caused controversy to try and revive it?
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