@zaryia: The right was wrong? When has the right said do not wear a mask? Even Trump says wear a mask but he is not FORCING you too. He left it up to the states which is what a President is supposed to do. Not a single time has Trump suggested that you should not wear a mask.
And again we been in this discussion before. We are only even partially bad in Democrat run cities. We are 8th overall in deaths per capita. I am sure if you look up the deaths per capita in republican run states we are not even in the top 20 countries.
The virus is to blame here you can not monday morning quarterback and say what could of been. And everything Trump has done was advise and warn. He is not MANDATING anything. Which is how freedom works. Has been republicans that mandated and I think that is wrong too.
And Trump not pushing the mask wearing probably saved a lot of lives. Because if he would of pushed it and been really serious on wearing a mask the democrats would not of wore them out of spite. Because that is how they roll if Trump supports it they oppose it. They would of found some so-called expert to say that wearing a mask was dangerous and did not do anything.
If Trump endorses a treatment the Democrats immediately go see what they can find to twist it to sound like its bad. Like the malaria medicine. They even went as far to say it was dangerous and listed the side effects but conveniently left out that most of those side effects only happen if you use it improperly and the other side effects were milder then aspirin' side effects.
The passive aggressive, shaming, Irritating way Democrats deal with masks is why there are people that refuse to wear them. IF they would of shut the hell up and quit playing politics there would be a lot more people wearing masks on their own And maybe give people all the facts not just ones that further their agenda.
Because as I am trying to explain it is a whole bunch of guidelines that are MUCH more important then wearing a mask which the typical democrat ignores or does not even know about.
And btw the media is lying to you about the virus anyway. If you watch any news even FOX they talk like the entire country is locked down and everyone stuck in their house. That is just not true. Big cities sure but most other places barely even a difference. I have been from IL to florida twice since march. In march it was a pain no indoor dining most business closed and even my fishing spot got closed. In June however every single state on the way there IL,KY, GA(except atlanta), AL, FL not only had the majority of businesses open but had indoor dining and even BUFFETS.
But during that time period when we were locked down people were more at risk then now. Wal Mart for example closed all but 1 entrance to have someone watching to make sure everyone wore a mask(most took mask off once inside anyway). But endangered more people with this policy then not wearing a mask would of done by far. This is exactly backwards of what should of been done. This was not Trump this was that fake concern democrats do all the time.
Point is trust the people to do the right thing and you will be more successful then trying to force them. Vietnam went so bad because we pushed government power too far(and I do realize this was republicans) When we should of treated people like adults and let them choose. 100 soldiers willing to fight better then 1000 forced to(Russia should of learned that in WW2).
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