@zaryia: Most people think that because 99 percent of the media is biased and some even are frauds. Difference between right wing and left wing is that when you watch Fox News you know it is biased if you are watching Hannity or Tucker. But they tell you they are biased and they are not journalists they are talk show hosts. CNN and MSNBC every single one of them claim they are journalists and have no bias at all.
A lot of the blame to either side is unwarranted. These people are not gods they can only hope to mitigate against this virus there is no stopping it. Even the vaccine is unlikely to be perfect. I mean people still dying from the old flu virus' even though they are vaccinated from it.
And the hate against Trump is totally unwarranted. I mean he is crude and insensitive sometimes. But as far as politicians go he his honest. You do not see him screwing with national security for his own self interests like the Bush's did over oil. You do not see him doing all kinds of crooked things and sleeping with interns and lying to congress like the Clinton's. You do not see him bending over and taking it in the butt on foreign policy, Spying on political opponents and doing things like hiring a lawyer to oversee a serious health risk(ebola) like Obama. Not to mention we know Obama is corrupt for one simple fact....there is not a single politician that comes out of Chicago that is not corrupt Democrat or Republican.
Not to mention it is pretty cowardly and disingenuous to blame someone after the fact without ever saying a thing when it would of actually mattered. All I hear is this expert said this and this expert said that. But if those experts were always correct like people portray they would be President. A President would listen to all the experts from many different fields and make a decision. You going to find in any situation experts that disagree on ANYTHING. But the media says "all experts agree".
In reality most people if you ask why they hate trump they say "he is a liar" but they really hate him because he is does not lie enough. A normal politician gives us this fake view of them we do not see the person. Trump is an open book. I mean we all do this to some degree but politicians make a career out of it. I mean here is an example. Go watch a video of Hillary Clinton as the first lady of Arkansas notice that deep southern accent? Go watch a video of Hillary Clinton as a senator of NY. Where did that accent go? Which is kind of funny considering she was born and raised in Chicago(see above reference to Chicago politicians)
The one thing I do not agree with is how Trump does not take some responsibility for any mistakes made. As the president even if Andrew Cuomo killed a bunch of old people by putting covid positive people in nursing homes Trump has some responsibility either he did not know it was happening or he did nothing to try to put a stop to it either way he is sort of responsible just because he IS the President.
And Biden DID screw up. You know how? He did NOTHING. Did he have an idea? Nope. If you think he did have a valid idea did he use his considerable political power to do anything about it? Did he even hire a competent Epidemiologist for council? Think I posted earlier he hired the same Lawyer/political agent Obama did for the Ebola outbreak(Ron Klain) to be his Virus advisor.
Making a mistake or two is a whole lot better then not even trying.
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