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gamedevster Blog

Atomic Punk

Yay! I'm level 11, and I have no idea what the reference is. Well i'm going to quickly go check out the forums and see how atomic punk relates to gaming.

In other news my brother is moving out tomorrow! I'm happy for him, but I think i'm gonna miss him though. I mean he's not going to be that far away, but still *sighs*.

Well tomorrow is gonna be a busy day, plus I got a party that night, which will be the last time I see my friends and my girlfriend before i'm off to england for 4 weeks.

Finally an Update

Sorry about the late update, i've been busy lately. Firstly, i'm gonna start off by saying i'm abandoning my holiday goals of finishing off a few games, its just too hard to achieve that. Considering i'm going to england in 5 days, i've got a guitar to play, a girlfriend to spend time with, plus lots more stuff, I havn't been gaming nearly as much as I thought these holidays.

Not to worry though, because so far my holidays have been great, and they are only going to get better (flying to England business class!). I'm still probably going to manage to complete Kingdom Hearts and I finished Guitar Hero 2, so that's good. I hope to update again sometime before I go away, as when I do go away, you probably won't see me around here for about 4 weeks!

Thanks also to those people who replied to my topic about whether or not games from England will work here(Australia), you have no idea how worried I was about that (even though I doubt the people that responded even read this blog :P )


No, i'm not racist, and I have also decided to change my font to Arial from now on, I prefer the simple look of it. But about my title, I am of course referring to the game Black. See today I just completed the game on normal, as in a previous post I pointed that I stopped playing the game whilst on the last level. Although playing it has gotten me back into it and i'm going back and completing easy, and then hard and possibly black ops, to get 100% completion. Wish me luck!

Another small update

Sorry for the small updates guys, and feel free to flame me for just trying to get my posts up. But I can assure you i'm not doing that. I just wanted to say I now finally have a header image for my blog. It's a picture of Stewie from Family Guy I know, but I love Stewie, and I love Family Guy! (Not in a sexual way of course). Well I hope that makes my blog look slightly more interesting.

I wanna be a guitar hero!

Yes just a small update on my previous post. I went away and played some more Guitar Hero 2 and I now proudly have 5 stars on every song in the last set on Hard difficulty. :D

Vanishing Emblems

Upon logging in today I noticed that my two new emblems had strange. I am not quite sure why, but i'm not really fussed that much to ask a moderator or inquire about it. Oh well, my guess is that the requirements for those emblems has changed and now I dont meet them. If anyone happens to know what the requirements for my missing emblems are, I would like to know.

On a completely unrelated note, I went and ice skated today. It is quite a rare thing, although it was a hot summer day here in Perth, Western Australia. Twas 36 degrees Celsius (about 96 Fahrenheit I think) and ice skating was a lovely thing to do. I think there are actually only two ice skating rinks in the whole of Western Australia, but i'm not completely certain on that fact. So I enjoyed a nice cool day, although coming out was hell, because you go from one extreme temperature to the next.

I went back and played some Guitar Hero 2 today, just getting 5 stars for a few songs in Hard. I managed to get 5 stars for misirlou in Hard, so I only have one more 5 star to get (Freebird) in the last set. In fact i'm going to go play it right now, once I finish this blog post.....done.

Two new emblems

Upon logging on today I noticed I had two fresh, new emblems. I now have good taste, which im flattered by the way, and i'm also an xbox aficionado, hooray!

I am partially on the way to my goal of completing a hoard of games. Today I just finished guitar hero 2 in expert, and I must say I had far less troubles than the first. The only song I had to repeat was Freebird (although I will admit, I have not completed the bonus songs), and I managed to get that 25min solo on the second time. I scored four stars for Hangar 18 and Beast and the Harlot on first tries, so i'm quite proud of that. I think i'm going to take a break from guitar hero for now, and plough through my newly started Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts

Well tonight's poker night was a huge success. I also played guitar (the real one) all day, as I was jamming with a friend, so I had a very good day, away from gaming. Although my friend did lend me a game today, which brings me to the title. I have borrowed off of him Kingdom Hearts 1, so I will be playing that now in an attempt to complete it fairly quickly and get it back to him. I won't be putting this game in my collection of course, as I don't own it, although it's in my Now Playing, obviously. Well that's all for tonight, ill be heading off unto the dense, dark forest that is the Gamespot forums.

My Holiday Gaming Goal

Well one of the many goals I set for this long holidays was to finally complete my games. I've barely completed 10 of the total games I own. I'm on the last level of Black and then I stopped, so I might quickly complete that tomorrow for the sake of completing it. Its not a boring game, its just I got  new game in the midst of playing it, and then I just tossed it aside. I think that's my problem, I tend to get a new game before I complete the one I already have, so I end up with a bunch of half completed games or in some cases barely even started ones.

I hope to complete two of my big games: Elder Scrolls 3 (I wish I could get Oblivion, but I neither own a 360 or a decent computer) and Gran Turismo 4. Considering i'm going to England on the 26th of December for 4 going to be struggling to complete these two.

On a completely unrelated note, I have a poker night tomorrow! It's gonna be good, and no this is not the first time i've played poker, I have been playing for a while now, quite regularly in fact. I play Texas Hold'em poker and I only play casually, just with a poker set, there is no money and nothing up for grabs, its just some good quality fun. Another great thing is its at my house, so the losers can go and play guitar hero 1/2 when they get out. You gotta love the entertainment guitar hero brings to a good gathering of friends

Level 10

Hooray im finally a double digit level! Also I love the reference, Phoenix Down, because when I hear that I don't think of Final Fantasy, but rather a brilliant flash movie series called Decline in Video Gaming. If you havn't heard of it, the link to the first one is at the bottom of this post, so you can enjoy the sheer brilliance and humour of one of the best flash videos made I think. There is this great part in one of them (I think its Decline in Video Gaming 2, but not sure) and there is a reference to the Phoenix Down and...well its incredibly funny. Please I urge you to check it out, and search newgrounds for the other ones, decline 2, 3 and decline christmas, enjoy! 

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