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gamedevster Blog

I'm back!

I'm back, my beloved gamespot! It has been many a month since I logged onto this account and during the time not a single brain cell was developed. Well now that im on holidays for about 10 weeks, exams are over and next year i'll be the big year 12's of high school (last year by the way), im pretty excited. I can finallyĀ enjoy once again the pleasures of this websiteĀ and join this wonderful community again, and to thoseĀ fewĀ people who will read this, thanks! and i'm glad to be back!

Level 9

Woo, I finally made it, now its only a few hundred more posts until the famous level 10!! w00t.Ā  Im not quite sure how level 10 is famous....oh well, its a milestone at least in the Gamespot community, so im off to posting and i've also got a History assignment to do as well.....lets hope I can multitask well enough.

Speed Runs

For the past couple of days I have been going on several websites and downloading speed runs of games. What this is, is just completing a certain game in the fastest time possible. I have seen some literally absolutely insane runs, the Super Mario Brothers 1,2 and 3 are especially crazy as they run the whole time and do not bother with waiting, the timing of the jumps is absolutely phenomenal, the skill is truly breathtaking. I can't imagine the amount of time these people must spend playing these games, but any readers, you really should see some of them, just search on Google, speed game runs, and you will get some of the most skillful and entertaining videos to do with gaming ever.

After watching these videos of pure, unbelievable skill, it really makes me want to strive and play more and more games in order to be this good, I consider myself an alright player of Unreal Tournament 2004, although I do not play it online for my internet is too slow, only at LAN's and by myself against bots, but I have been playing solidy for several months and I do play definetly everyday at least. Well iv got school tomorrow....oh well, tomorrow I will come home, possibly do some homework....or not, and then hopefully get in some play time :P.

Thats me ending this post, and on a completely unrelated note, its Easter in two weeks!!! and its also the end of TermĀ in 2 weeks!!! This means I can spend a good two weeks on holidaysĀ of playing games and going out with friends, having the time of my life, IĀ cannot wait!

Perfect Dark Zero

I would just like to start of by saying how amazing this game is, definetly deserved the 9.0 score here. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is so rich and there is so much variety in the gameplay. I love how there is so many different ways of playing, like you could be really cautious and always hide under cover and really take care when killing, or you can go in there crazy style and blast everything that gets in your way, plus there are stealth parts to it and just an absolute hoard of different weapons to choose from, fantastic game.

Okay enough about how awesome Perfect Dark is, I still cant get over the wireless controllers for the 360, its just so convinient and mess free :D.Ā  Well I have school tomorrow sadly, so I wont be able to post on these wonderful forums late into the wee hoursĀ because otherwise ill be like a zombie tomorrow, eating peoples brains and what not....wouldn't be too pleasant. So thats me saying a strange way.....yet again.

Xbox 360

Well they just came out here in Australia and no sadly I havn't gotten one...yet. Thankfully though my brother did buy one! yay, haha, but seriously he bought it today....slightly on an impulse because now he actually has money, plus im still hooked on normal Xbox with many of games still to complete. He bought a supreme VIP package with a 360, two wireless controllers (woo, so we can both play), Perfect Dark Zero and a bunch of random stuff with it. OMG!!! Perfect Dark Zero rules, and its amazing admiring the graphics quality after playing normal Xbox for so long, the graphics are Plus co-operative Perfect Dark Zero is just awesome, anyway i'm gonna have fun tomorrow....actually thats a lieĀ I won't. Sadly I have a heap of work to do, plus its not my Xbox 360 and my brother will definetly want to play it, so I will be studying hard and doing the right thing (sadly the right thing sucks....oh well).

Well thats all from me, I will probably get a 360 when my brother moves out of home, which will be in the probably soon future, so about 6 months. Hopefully by then the prices will have gone down by a bit, but games cost over $100 australian dollars, which is really not good for people like me without a job....oh well.

150 posts!

Okay a pathetic excuse to give a blog post, but yay! w00t 150 posts, go me....okay lets make it 200 by the end of the week....i wish. Well im off to bed anyways, so good night Gamespot!

Billy Connoly

YAY!!! Im seeing Billy Connoly tomorrow, and that almost makes up for the fact that I did really bad in my geometry and trigonometry test today. Well the test was really hard! and so many people were complaing about it. But aside from that, im excited because this is the first time in seeing a live comedian, so should be good.

Today 4 friends came over and sadly I only have two xbox controllers since one broke suddenly, so we took turns in playing games against each other in Halo 2. I won every time apart from once, when I just lost as my friend got soo many kills in with the rocket launcher. Its slightly cheap, but I didnt really mind, and afterwards I had a game of Fifa 06 and it ended in a 1-1 draw, Arsenal vs Manchester United, me as Arsenal of course :P So overall today was pretty good apart from the very difficult test and I shall be off to posting in the forum.

More tests

I have more tests coming up....woo. I'm not worried though, because I got back my Chemistry test and got 35/40, so 88% isn't too bad. I also got back my Introductory Calculus and I got 41/50, so 82%, its all an A, so i'm quite pleased with myself :D

Well still been going at it on Halo 2, its probably the only game I play frequently, now that I have this system of one round of Halo 2, then study. I really like it, cause it means even under my 4 mile stack of homework I still manage to get in some important playing time :P I've still got several games I need to get round and finish, eg: Mortal Kombat: Deception, Ninja Gaiden, Burnout Revenge, Farcry Instincts ect....

Anyways, I just thought I would announce to the world i'm not that stupid....woo.

100 Posts!!

W00t!!n I just posted a new forum post and I just realised I reached the magnificent milestone of 100 posts, groovy....okay back to the forums, ciao!


I would like to start off with...OMFG! I HAVEĀ  A TEST TOMORROW!. Okay well I have a major hour long test tomorrow and another oneĀ the day after, should be fun fun *thumbs up*. Seriously though I'm not too worried because I actually have done a fair load of studying this weekend, plus tonight I am going to play poker with some friends, which should be good and relaxing, get my mind away from stressful school.

I've been playing Halo 2 a lot lately, nearly everyday actually. Its become a part of my daily routine as after school a couple of friends come round and before we all head off to the library down the road to do some serious work we get in at least one round of good old Halo 2. Its a really good system actually because its amazingly relaxing coming home and instead of the first thing you do is pull out your books and continue working, I just have some nice, fun time with playing Xbox, plus Halo 2 is just one of the greatest multiplayer games for the Xbox.

Thats all for me, I might go do a bit more last minute study, just to refresh my almost dead mind, and then ill be out playing some old-fashioned poker with friends, sadly though I will have to come home early in order to get a good night sleep, to be revitalised for the enduring test tomorrow, wish me luck :P

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