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gameman_500 Blog

My brother screwed up my file on FFIX!!!

I made an alternate file on FFIX and my brother was helping me with the extra training, but i had to take a three hour nap and my brother told me he got to a bunch of places ahead on it and that he did everything i did to make this a perfect file. But i don't trust him, i'm going to play it soon but if he screwed it up, i have to restart my file that i'm already twenty hours into after stealing every item that every boss had and picking up all the items off the ground.

I'm also watching american pie right now, if you have watched it, do you remember the part where jim was in bed with that girl and he screwed up with her twice while everybody in his school was watching him on the internet, he's so insecure.

Ever play final fantasy IX?

I have and i haven't since christmas since the last year and a half, my FF9 wouldn't work and it only went to a certain point, so that's the farthest i've ever gotten. Then, at christmas, my dad ordered me a new one that worked and i got my aunt to help me learn how to play the game again since i haven't played it in such a long time.

Then i stopped playing it until now, well yesterday, and i got really far on it, i'm at those four stones places after Ispen's castle. So, i'm going to continue playing all day today and see how far i can get.

Also, my team lost our game 10-7. I got walked twice and i struck out twice. I struck out twice because one time, the umpire screwed me over on a full count and said a perfectly good ball was a strike and i got out. Then after, playing the field two inning and running to first base, second base, third base, second base, third base, then home on my walk. I had to hit again. (WE were short on team members) Then, at the inning that could decide it, our coach put in one of our worst pitchers that walked everybody and gave them a win. THe second time i struck out was because i was so tired and i couldn't swing at the fast pitches.

And that's the game that we pitifully lost, now we're 6-2. Thx for reading and posting in my blog.


I found my old journal!

I was cleaning up my room, when i clean my room, everything comes out, gets sorted, and gets put back, takes 10 hours. Well, anyway, i went downstair and started cleaning down there and i found my old journal which the last entry in it was 11/30/03. Can you belive that! i used to write so dorky, but i can't believe i found it.

Well, i beat Bully, well the storyline, and now i'm trying to get 100% game completion. (I'm at 86%) There is still a lot of stuff i need to unlock.

Thx for reading my blog.

I also changed my signature again, tell me if you like it.


Finally, home alone for the next four weeks!

My dad goes to work during the day and my brother goes to summer school, so i get to stay home all day by myself. Except for the weekends. If you were wondering why i'm not going to summer school, the reason i'm not is because i have straight A's and my brother needs help with his reading comprehension, that's why he's going and i'm not.

Well, i have beaten 160 out of 173 events in burnout 3 and they're all golds. But there are a couple of hard events that will take me a while to get a gold in. I have almost all the cars.

 I'm going to leave one of those signature things now on in all of my blogs at the bottom of my blog, please tell me if there is any way i can enhance it to make it better.


I finally got asked out for the first time in my life

It was through a text message, but i got asked out by this girl and i rejected her. She was sort of hot but i like her friend more.

If you have any advice for me, that will be greatly appreciated. I also beat 85 percent of burnout revenge after 30 hours of playing and i have beaten 12 percent of burnout 3

I got into trouble on my bus

Knowing that im 16, you might think i would get into trouble because of cussing or fighting, but this was not the case. My fat, stupid, bus driver gave me a conduct (piece of paper that gets you a principals office visit.) You want to know what happened???


I threw a very small eraser at somebody.

Yes, that's all!

Im so mad right now!

I got a detention too!!!!!

I got a new phone!!!

It's been a few months with a bad phone, but i finally got a remake of it and its amazing. It has all of the features as the newest phone out there i think.

Do you guys have cellphones?