If any of you have wondered where i was, (nobody) i have been gone due to a hectic week of testing. We have to do these stupid state tests that i always ace and get advanced in.
what is new?
Im happy to be back
If any of you have wondered where i was, (nobody) i have been gone due to a hectic week of testing. We have to do these stupid state tests that i always ace and get advanced in.
what is new?
Im happy to be back
First, my friend zak, you know, the one who stole the game, i went over there and he wasn't home, i realized that he wasn't home and at church, so i will go tomorrow.
I started playing silver version of pokemon, im getting off to a good start. I have 7 pokemon and im at the third gym. Ive been playing for six hours total. im also writing my speech as i type this. i hate public talking, don't you?
Well, that's all for today, thx for postin in my blog, i have a lot of true friends here!!!!!! :)
WAIT!!!!!! My pokemon just got a pokerus disease, its pretty much a glitch but its really cool.
I just figured it out because he has had two sapphire versions, two leafgreens, and one emerald for a while and i can't seem to find mine even after trashing my whole house looking for them. :( I told two of my friends and one of them told him and he started arguing with me but my other other other friend i didn't tell backed me up. My friend that stole from me said that i never had those games but my other other other friend backed me up and said i did. I figured out he stole them because...
1. I won't tell you my name but my nickname is T and that's what the trainer name on the game startup screen was.
2. It had the exact amount of pokemon on it as i remember when i last played it
3. THe friend that stole it is named Zak and all of his games said "Zak's game" but the game i saw didn't have it.
4. Why would somebody have two versions of a game. Because he stole them!!!!!!
Who agrees with me????
The day of love is here...do you have a gilrfriend/boyfriend that you're spending time with today? I don't but im getting pretty close.
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