i find it ridiculous that this man is going to earn this much money and the damn company itself is not making any, and as for this idiot moving from Microsoft to zynga just because its a ceo position, sorry GameSpot its not an accomplishment zynga is a DYING COMPANY.
Although there are games on the 3ds that i would love to play that are Japanese only. its not much a problem especially seeing how 3ds has a good lineup of games out now. but eventually they are going to have to change this region locking crap it serves no purpose.
@SamehH99 @gamer6130 i said its perfect for kids never said they was the only ones who play halo, people who have alot of time on their hands is obviously the ones that will do well
This is perfect for the kids, but for people like me who have jobs good luck not playing for 8 hours everyday will screw your rank up no matter how good you play.
gamer6130's comments