what about the damn games man i can watch tv on my computer and cell phone that doesn't interest most gamers, lets hear about the games. Did they forget that these are friggin gaming systems or what.
i feel Nintendo should just stick with handheld their doing such a good job with it, its doing way way better than their consoles and like people said most of their great games came out on their handheld. I my self have not played any of Nintendo's consoles since gamecube, but their handhelds i have every generation. it might be more profiting to them if they devote all their attention on their handheld. lets face it the wii might have been revolutionary, but the wii u not so much.
The reason why they blame games is because unlike movies and books its an interactive media but its wrong for them to single out video games for it has many positive aspects to it as well. besides their ignoring the real problem its the guns that kill not the games.
gamer6130's comments