wow microsoft execs is really confident in themselves to pull off this shit huh. i wonder what their backup plan is when this console don't sell ass much as playstation, i doubt droping the price is going to change anything. their ego is making them slit their own throats.
you have to install every game what the shit. their just making excuses to controling the games you buy. halo is not enough for me to get this peices of crap.
so PlayStation decide you can play used games on their console and Xbox decide to go for the money route. i like Xbox i bought a 360 when it was first released and bought two others when the old one got the red light. this gen i think im going for playstaion 4.
what would really be nice is if they change they the subscription paying for xbox gold just to watch netflix that you are already paying for is a little ridiculousness, but i guess that's asking to much.
gamer6130's comments