The only thing i find offensive about that poster is that whoever made it thinks that the goals of Obama and the goals of the Joker are the same thing.
The graphic novel is obviously the better of the two, but I enjoyed the movie up until the ending where they completely changed it to something stupid.
How was is it stupid? Hell, it made more sense than...
BAM! Giant freaking squid-alien-monster
I'm not saying the ending in the book is bad by any means, I just fail to see how the movie's ending was.
I agree with u. The squid worked fine in a graphic novel, but in a movie you can't just spawn Cthulu out of mid air and expect people to accept it.
[QUOTE="dijji497"]apart from some very well chosen music. Brutal_Elitegs
lolwut? :P Everyone here is going to recommend the graphic novel, as do I. It will fill in the gaps so to speak. Watchmen's visual design was one of its strongest points I thought, but to each his own.
Times are Changin'; Halleluia; Sound of Silence (Worst part of the movie is when they cut that song off halfway) are all very well placed songs. The only one that I thought really stood out was the one they played when Rorschach and Niteowl are going to Antarctica and even that's growing on me a little.
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