Nope. It will probably be 2360 or sumthing. What I find funny is that like on History Channel there was this show that had like 7 ways that humanity could be wiped out. I knew it was bogus when they had Global Warming as a bigger threat than a Nuclear Holocaust. But they're like, "Oh, ya, the world will like be bad and stuff and in a few hundred years we all go splat a stuff." What they don't realize that if it's a long time from now, as in not in my life, why would I care? Besides, I don't trust scientists anyways. They say that earth is millions of years old, and unless they know somebody's great great great great X 1,000,000 grandfather who was an ancient scientist, then I won't take their word. Plus they think that suns die after like a few milion years when they didn't even start studying it until like 2,000 years ago. And it's not like anybody can get close enough to the sun to study it. On January 1st, 2012 though I'm going to have a lot of fun running around the streets yelling "Holy Crap! A Meteor!"
You have absolutely no idea how science works do you...
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