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gamer_10001's forum posts
Jurrasic Park on the SNES. About half the game was top down, but when you went inside a building it went to first person.
A cracked version will be put up quickly for these games that don't require an internet connection, and the only people that will affected by this DRM will be the honest consumers. There is nothing good coming from this.
Everytime there is a huge leap in graphics people (or at least me) get a sense of "Wow, that looks good!" I remember thinking how great Mario 64, Zelda: OoT, Turok 2 and many other N64 games look. Then I seem to remember seeing the scope of Halo: CE and the atmostphere. Then next came the cutscenes in Ninja Gaiden and the entirety of Doom 3. Recent years have brought even more moments. Gears of War, Uncharted, Killzone 2 and last but not least the Cryengine 3 demo we saw last year.
I like your picks overall but Uncharted is already cinematic enough that i really wouldn't see a reason to making a movie out of it.
Stay up all night, one time. Then the next night go to bed early enough to get the same amount of sleep as you did before. Also set 2 alarms one to go off say at 7:30 and another at 7:35.
This is usually all it takes me to adjust to a new schedule.
In no particular order:
Majora's Mask
Half-Life 2
Halo: CE
Metroid Prime
Uncharted 2
Resident Evil 4
Ninja Gaiden Black
Shadows of the Collosus
nice list, i don't want to get off-topic but quick question:
how the heck do you save in Majora's Mask?
I have the Zelda Collector's Edition for the Gamecube.
There are 2 ways...
You can either play the song of time on the ocarina and go back to day 1.
You can hit an owl statue with your sword to *activate* it and then all you have to do is interact with it. It will probably give you some warning every time, just ignore it and save anyway.
Dark Knight
Children of Men
District 9
LotR: RotK
idk... Serenity;
there are many great movies from this decade
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