gamerguy31315's forum posts
these topics so freakin piss me off. if your to poor to pay 13 cents a day for xbox live then DONT. you payed like 299 or 399 for the console but you want to complain about 13 cents a day for the best online experience that exists on a console. shut up and dont pay it or see it as it is, a quality online service that is MUCH more developed than the ps3 online experience that is "free". let me point out that the price difference in a ps3 and 360 would buy u like 4 years of live. xbox live is NOT a scam and ur an idiot if u think it is. every online game (excluding Guild Wars) costs 15 bucks a month and theres atleast 4 major competitors (eq2, WoW, eve online, vanguard) yet microsoft is the onlyxbox live providor and therefore controls a monopoloy on the service. They could be charging u 10 bucks a month and millions would pay just like the millions that do now yet they charge u a meer 4 dollars a month and u yell scam. good job buddy.
let me also point out that a few months ago, circuit city had a sale on the 12 month cards for 40 dollars which brings it down to 10 cents a day and $3.33 a month if you bought one of these. this sale was announced on these boards.
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