Your supposed to burn a flag rather than throw it away so did the author consider that perhaps the flag had holes or something and instead of throwing it away, the owner did the right thing and burned it.. or perhaps it was in a totally disrespectful way but who knows.. just a random fact fyi
yes, the premi is a must because it comes with a hard drive which u have to have to save your games so you dont have to start over every time you turn the 360 off..
oh yes forgot about live, live is a MUST if u get gears, otherwise it sucks after a week. if it was me i would get the premi system with gears and live and thats it..
a knife... yes i said it.. i want a knife that functions like the chainsaw(hold the b button, instead of revving u like pull ur arm back and get ready to stab) and i want some amazingly gory knife combo to go with it... and some huge BA knife to. like the one ram uses to kill the leader guy...
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