gamerguy31315's forum posts
[QUOTE="MrGeezer"][QUOTE="mac906"]You could to a persuasion speech on how AO rated games should be allowed to get released, and compare it to the movie industry.mac906
At least here in the USA, AO games ARE allowed to be released. There is absolutely no legal ban on them.
However, Wal-Mart is allowed to decide what products they are willing to sell. If they are unwilling to sell AO games, that is their right. Same goes for every other store.
Also, Sony is allowed to decide what games they will publish. And that's THEIR right. If Sony is unwilling to publish your game, then you are free to go find someone who will.
AO rated games are ABSOLUTELY allowed to be released, just as NC-17 rated movies are allowed to be released. Blockbuster will not carry NC-17 movies, a lot of poeople won't fund them, and a lot of theaters won't show them. But they still get released. If you are a filmmaker who wants to get your NC-17 movie out into the public, it's YOUR responsibility to find someone who is willing to publish it. No one has an obligation to publish it, nor should they. Your "right" to maintain your artistic integrity does not trump their right to distance themselves from products that they think could harm their reputation. That's the free market at work, pure and simple, and the same thing applies to AO rated games.
Yeah, but the only other way the game could be released would be for the PC, or if Rockstar made their own console. Does that mean the companies that make DVD players can say what movies can be played on them and what ones can't?hmm that was a very good comparison to the dvd player thing, i like it. interesting..
Make your topic Legalizing MarijuanaMumbles527
that actually might be good unless u look like a pothead or something, then it might be kidna eh..
i think that the incest is a good idea, or how a woman can claim rape even if the act was consensual(spellcheck) and she just regrets it. or how alcohol is legal at 21 but thinks like weed are illegal period when you never hear about anyone getting in a car wreck while high, just drunk.
OK i really love cars and racing games and such and i was lookin at getting the racing wheel today. my only problem is i dont rly have a table or anything to mount it on and unless i come up with some bright idea, it would be going on my lap. i dont know if its worth it if i have to have it sitting on my lap. any ideas? any feedback from people who just put it in their lap? anyone using like a tv table or some other little fold out table to mount it on?
ps i dont have much room in front of my tv
I bought a core when my Premium died 1 month after the warranty was up. So I was glad to buy the bare bones, as I had already bought many peripherals. :Pchuggy3d
yea thats the only time where i could see it being useful. I cant really see anyone trying to play games on a core since you cant save your progress. I mean cmon, that means u have to leave ur 360 on till u beat the game or you just keep starting over.
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