this thread is pointless because there are SO many of them. since its at the top anyways thouhg i figure ill anskwer and inform u that my 360 broke like 2 days ago. thanks to my 1 year warranty at microcenter, i was in and out with a new one in no time
anyways, all i can rly say is that the 50 dollar wireless one sucks, dont buy it. its so sensative like people can hear everything goin on withint he state and i was told it echoed alot. maybe it was just me i dunno, i returned it. i have heard that the halo 2 one is good though, even though it was for original xbox i think it still works. i would go with that one if ur lookint o replace
no he is not unrespectful, this thread is pointless and ur dumb. go look at any online retailer's website. do u think they change the prices. its past ur bed time kiddo.
dont waste ur money with a cooler. some violate the warrantly though im not sure if this one does. just buy a fan and a little stand and make it nice and well ventilated and its 100x better than a cooler
actually dirt is out, some got it today. others like me are getting it tommorow. i voted for dirt cause its the one im looking most forward to playing but im phyced about darkness to
hmm thanks i guess ill try that but if ms keeps a version i guess its no biggie if they wont let me. i was thinkin about seeing if they will let me pay the fee difference and get the elite. dont c why they wouldnt, just makes them some money
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