@Terminator95: Olli Olli2, Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris, Styx: Master of shadows and now TWD:Season 2 = crap??? Sure, when youre an entitled casual scrub.
Wow...played through the first TWD season on PC like 2 years ago and now heres my chance for playing the 2nd season but on the PS4...wish I had a way to upload my save file from steam...
Rented it 2 days ago and currently playing through it Im having a great time so far, some decisions I regret making but theres no way to fix what youve done so play carefully.
wtf 3 white phantoms + the host??? Man,way to catter to the casual scrubs this game is already easy enough when you have 1 phantom clearing with you, why the F would you allow 3 at once? Bloodborne was a shitty gankfest everytime you invaded someone you ended up ganked 2 or 3v1, looks like this will be no different. Honestly From lost the touch with this serie gameplay-wise.
Loved the beta, pre-ordered the base game on GMG for $45 a month a go and honestly cannot wait for both this and FO4. Those 2 games come out at the same time as I go on vacation. What a perfect month November will be.
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