@JediMasterJ42: Last cod I played was black ops, never cared about halo, put close to 500hrs in BF3, 100hrs in BF4 and Im enjoying the hell out of battlefront so yeah,this doesnt mean shit.
Loving this game, so far I think Ive won one as the Rebels and must've played close 20 games. With their lack of ground vehicles/units I think the rebels should have 2-3 tauntauns power-ups added to their faction. Tauntauns are iconic to both Hoth and the rebels as seen in the movie and would also make great use of the 3rd person playstyle. Giving an edge on the Rebels to reach the comms faster and easier and defend better (which might help with the balance issues?) Anyway, I thought this would really be cool imo).
Gauntlet Legend was fun back then...but playing it recently isnt the same as it used to...picking up the same power-ups over and over gets redundant real quick...no real customization aside for the unloackable characters and the combat is pretty dull when compared to other top-down adventure games.
@stylest: Glad I pre-ordered it for $45 on GMG last month. This game will deliver just as much gameplay hours as BF3 and 4 did. Multiplayer is where its at.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments