@VegasDawg Not really since RE4 is the game that destroyed the franchise, the 360 version has nothing new and the fact they call it HD version is a joke since it looks more dated than REmake and RE:0 on game cube.
@youre_a_sheep @sorena007 Even that is being generous for being a cliche movie with uninspired,tacked on gameplay. Whatever Crap of Us tried to achieve with its gameplay The Evil Within did everything in better.
@ccusick @greaseman1985 @gameroutlawzz Hey grats dude, except I meant STEEL and im from Quebec english is not my main language. BTW,someone whos been playing games for 26 years IS NOT part of the masses.
@greaseman1985 Pathetic, PS4 with a 240GB SSD barely took 2 minutes. Now GTA5 THAT is a game that takes forever to install. Anyway,this just shows how terrible the Shltbox one is.
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