@Sevenizz Its just called fantastic.. not medieval nor middle age... And if you actually want epic dragon/griffin/cyclops fight go play Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen that was released last year instead of this overhyped turd.
@Patohua1 @gameroutlawzz What I said is: Since RE4, Resident evil has never been that close to being movies who focuses on narratives,story and characters. Yet Re4 has been the downfall of the serie and the serie has been shlt ever since.
@Patohua1 @gameroutlawzz Yes cause narrative is what makes a good GAME right? The same exact reason I enjoy board games so much, for the story and narrative..... dude, Nintendo ARE the master of gaming, a good game consists of brilliant GAMEPLAY not a damn story with narratives. Go praise your Crap of Us and read a book somewhere else pls. See how much capcom puts the emphazis on the story and characters in the latest resident evils? Yet the franchise has never been that stale and bad. What made RE so great was its gameplay, the feeling of dread, not knowing what was standing in front of you every time you entered a new room, backtracking to a previous area you knew you killed everything but then some random event occurs. Being short of ressources at all time, being limited on save points. Tank controls also added ALOT to the tension and slow-pacing of the game. The story and bits of information you found on the documents were there to explain why all this is happening. Devs werent forcing you to walk a steamlined path for the next cutscene and plothole to occur like most of the trash you get in almost every ''AAA'' movies... I mean games that we get nowadays.
@sieg6529 @greaseman1985 Load times arent much of a issue on my PS4 with a 240GB SSD in it. Also, the reason Im not gaming much on PC anymore except for Renegade X and Legends of Grimrock 2 is the fact that there arent much interesting titles released for PC anymore,most of the crap on steam now are Early access scams, and now that I have a PS4 and my Wii U most of my gaming time is on consoles, I like to have most of my games on 1 system, I want to enjoy bloodborne next year which is only for PS4 and Im someone who likes to collect trophies so I wanted most of my 3rd party games for PS4.
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