@lostn What they should do is make the items/weapons/gadgets attainable in the open world by completing side missions/hidden stuff and make every dungeons tackable in any order like you said. So you might end up finding a dungeon while exploring, take a guess and start venturing through it,then fall on a puzzle or something that requires to do some trick using a specific item that you havent found yet and then feel the need of finding that said item to be able to progress further. Dungeons should be beaten for the heart containers and items like orbs/relics or wtv required to progress further in the story. The formulae where you find a specific item in a dungeon then need that same item to complete the rest of it and beat the boss 3 times rince-repeat is getting old. Bosses should also be totally unexpected and you should have to try out many items/weapons to find the right combination to beat them....not simply pull out your latest item you just found earlier in the dungeon and find his weak spot using that item.
Remember they werent even supposed to show anything until next E3. This is just a sip and a quick look at the project in development to make us remember this amazing game is on the horizon (and probably coming quicker than expected). LOZ games are pure joy to play and I doubt Nintendo would manage to disappoint with such a huge title and with the experience they have. I just cant stand how Link doesnt feel like Link and they gave him brown hair...
@asia391 Currently playing through WWHD that I got for free for purchasing MK8 on release, and even after having completed the game back on GC 12 years ago Im still having a blast playing through and it just feels like a breath of fresh air compared to what I play usually these days. I played SS last year when I purchased my Wii U and the game was just as great and unique. Zelda games are great,thats it.
''....While the bonus stages are adapted to suit the Toads' skillset with the introduction of ladders and moving platforms, they don't embody the puzzle-like structure that makes the rest of the game so great. You still get to enjoy an extended romp through the Mushroom Kingdom, but it's different and less appealing than the primary adventure.''
Super Mario 3D World actually takes place in Sprixie Kingdom,not Mushroom Kingdom.
@cboye18 Im so glad I grew up in a era where games like this were the norm,where I learned to love brilliant,unique gameplay over graphics,story,cinematics,dialogues and wtv the crap they shove in most ''games'' nowadays. I cant stand most ''AAA'' titles cause of that and Im actually happy with it. So many devs trying to turn movies into games or vice-versa where the gameplay gets mundane before youre even halfway through the game and just lose interest. Nintendo are truly the gaming gods. Im nowhere a fanboy of anything Im just speaking the simple truth.
wow everything in this game feels so cheap from the sounds to guns feeling like cheap toys and this has been the case with almost every crap on demand games.
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