Being from Montreal, QC. Ubisoft are truly a shame for this province. These tools were on the news before Unity came out,getting all that press coverage from medias etc. THEYRE THE WORST OF THE F'NG INDUSTRY. EVERYTHING THEY MAKE IS SHALLOW AS HELL AND NOW ADD BROKEN ON TOP OF THAT. THEYRE THE SADDEST EXCUSE OF VIDEO GAMES DEVS. I FEEL SORRY FOR ALL THE BLIND, CASUAL SHEEPS WHO STILL CANT SEE THIS.
@PETERAKO characters...plot.... dude , I hate Ubisoft just as much as you do and havent purchased a game from them sicne the first Ass Creed back in 2005 but come on... are your priorities in video GAMES really the characters and the plot? Thats sad.
@silversix_ Dude clearly youre hating just to hate. Big MMOs like WoW have done this for over a decade. When a new Xpac is out every gear becomes obsolete and past raids are all forgotten except for those who want to complete them for fun with their friends/guilds at higher levels in less numbers than what it would usually require to.
@GregoryBastards Dude,you have a f'cking mass-produced robotic alien specie who works in hierarchists ways. Of course you will always have the same type of unit as pawns,officers and higher ranks. I said below '' What they should do is make the items/weapons/gadgets attainable in the open world by completing side missions/hidden stuff and make every dungeons tackable in any order abit like ALBW so you might end up finding a dungeon while exploring, take a guess and start venturing through it,then fall on a puzzle or something that requires to do some trick using a specific item that you havent found yet and then feel the need of finding that said item to be able to progress further. Dungeons should be beaten for the heart containers and items like orbs/relics or wtv required to progress further in the story. The formulae where you find a specific item in a dungeon then need that same item to complete the rest of it and beat the boss by using the same action 3 times rince-repeat is getting old. Bosses should also be totally unexpected and you should have to try out many items/weapons to find the right combination to beat them....not simply pull out your latest item you just found earlier in the dungeon and find his weak spot using that item.''
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments