@SolidWing68 For someone who isnt fan of hockey he kinda seems to know how to play the sport from the plays he makes. I agree those 2 teams are bad and deff not 2 teams I wouldve picked to show off the game.
@dmblum1799 Overrated movie-makers for the casual cinephile masses who consider themselves gamers but actually suck at anything that isnt a streamlined movie with tacked on dull,shallow gameplay segment. 1 word: You.
Is it me or every enemies in this game move and act the same way? The game feels so bland and uninspired...Id rather play Hexen on N64 than watch more of this shlt.
@Fhiend So much win. Nintendo are the only ones left who still put emphasis on gameplay first in their games. Its sad how nowadays whenever people talk about games they will mention its story,characters,emotional plot-twists or dialogues...but never elaborate on its gameplay or mechanics. Majority of the ''gamers'' nowadays are cinephiles who dont give a rat ass about the gameplay and would never touch a game that tries to innovate gameplay-wise or that is not a corridor-esque FPS/3rd person shooter with realistic graphics.
Controls are perfect for the type of game RE is.Matter of fact: the cam angles,tank controls,pre-rendered backgrounds,scarce ressources/save points is what made those games so great. L2adapt and grow some skills,not every game has to play the same and be a generic over-the-shoulder corridoresque story-driven turd. Man I cant believe all the gamer-pretenders flooding the market nowadays. Truly,if you cant adapt to different gameplay style/mechanics. You dont belong as a gamer,you just suck. Stick to your Ass Creed /COD/Crap of Us garbage or simply find a better hobby,thank you.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments