@Nosoor pt ptptptptptptptpt pttpptptptpt . fuk outta here . Theres nothing that holds a candle next to RE:0,REmake,2,3,CVX in terms of gameplay and quality for a survival horror game. Fatal Frame 2 comes at a 2nd close.
@BelaidKL @bezza2011 Grab a Game Cube and play 0. Its just as good and truly that tr0ll needs to disappear. Couldnt tell a good game even if it plsses straight at its face.
@Lord_Python1049 I have over 500 hrs put on the game and Im still enjoying making new builds and playing through the DLCs. The game is totally worth every single penny,dont listen to the idi0t whining l0sers, they probably suck terribly at the game anyway.
@bjvill Dude,those controls are perfect for the type of game RE is.Matter of fact: the cam angles,tank controls,pre-rendered backgrounds,scarce ressources/save points is what made those games so great. L2adapt and grow some skills,not every game has to play the same and be a generic over-the-shoulder corridoresque story-centric turd.
Gannondorf throwing a boomerang? lool. Anyway,cant wait to put my hands on this game I love what happens at the end of the vid,seeing Skyloft coming down from the sky and the whole land of hyrule entering the Twilight/Dark world.
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