Meanwhile he doesnt mentions that you can eaisly make a game then go to the blacksmith,craft whatever items you desire (if you have the mats that is) and if it rolls something bad,hold the PS/Xbox menu button to dashboard quit to your console desktop,re-enter the game and you still have your mats with you un-used.
This kinda remind me of Legends of Grimrock even if its not that similar to it. I love those kind of games and ill make sure to stay in touch with future news and release date for this game.
@vadagar1 Sounds like youre the only reta-rd believing that. DOTA has always been played by utter reta-rds, fact,the first was overpopulated with reta-rds who s*cked terribly at the original WC3 and would rather play boring DOTA custom games. SMITE SHlTS on your dull a** dota2.
@filthy_casual_ @wolfpackzero You dont ''lose'' time if you enjoy what youre doing... Otherwise,whats the point of living? Spending more time at work for a job you hate,surrounded with people you dont care about when youd rather be enjoying yourself playing a game? Money is way too overrated. It all comes to what an individual enjoys doing.
@Restivus Yet Dark Souls has such a wrong gearing system... make 2-3 head pieces increase cast speed/spell slots while the rest is totally obsolete except for the ''look'' or maybe a increase of 1 in faith or int stats. Have 1 set of armor do special stuff while all the other sets are totally pointless except for its defensive stats. Only make 1 pair of gloves increase Critical hit chance while there are above 20 set of gears with gloves included that all have nothing special about them. Everybody ends up seeking for the same pieces of gear which is pretty lame imo. And thats coming from someone whos still pouring hundreds of hours into DS2 and waiting for the next 2 dlcs.
@deivis_sc Yet Betrayer of Humanity axe for my Death Knight back in WOTLK expansion for WoW has been one of the most satisfying piece of gear Ive ever got in a game. So was finding the rare Recipe: Flask of Distilled Wisdom that I sold for 1500g in Vanilla WoW which was a FORTUNE and managed to craft my first epic item ever.
@willman61 @gameroutlawzz @sonyonly4 bashes a masterpiece like this,then praises Skyrim LMAO. Enjoy your 4783785758372875 872 shallow,copy/pasted empty,soulless caves/dwarven ruins riddled with the same 3-4 lifeless,dumb mobs with one of the worst A.I. ever seen in a game. The easiest casual walk-in-the-park even on insane difficulty dragon priests and dragons end up dying in 2-3 arrows skyrim was so repetitive and shallow,the worst TES game to date.
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