@jako998 The character customization, replayability,fluid controls on console, local co-op, tons and tons of loot and content(even more with the PS version) with more added in the future. Each class really feels different. Areas are randomly generated often hiding different unique events,npcs,chests etc. The game gets challenging later on on higher difficulties, I havent played the xpansion yet but spent tons of hours on the original for ps3. Imo if you didnt pay for the original the whole package is really worth it even at $60.
@Gencic Your comment smells casual cinephile who actually sucks at video games that focuses on gameplay because of your lack of manual/mental coordination seeking for more generic 3rd-person story-centric garbage that all plays the same like 90% of the gamer-pretending sheeps flooding the market nowadays.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments