@mushywaffle: While Ill be playing and most probably enjoying this game like I did with past Uncharted games, I cant help but agree with this. The first gameplay footage theyve shown back at E3 was just a copy/paste of the original game with female skins instead of Drake. Same animations all around you could replace Chloe with Drake and there wouldnt be a single difference. The SAME, SAME blatant copy/pasted animations. Its like they couldnt even bother hiding it.
Have yet to watch it but seriously I cant help but to scratch my head at this ''season''. The show barely just started and its already over. What a joke. All this waiting for some short ass 7-weeks long (5 if you count all those ''unintended'' leaks) seasons of 50mins episodes then were back at waiting another full year if not 2 for the finale?? Truly disappointing. Sure, the show is the best there is out there, still far from being the most engaging thing when you have some short sessions of entertainment followed by LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG sessions of waiting.
BATTLE.NET SHOULD SIMPLY REMAIN BATTLE.NET. THAT PLATFORMS A CLASSIC WELL-KNOWN TO ALL YOUR FANBASE. Seriously whats the reason behind changing the name in the first place???
@eddie_220: Most games arent even about gameplay anymore anyway, all about following the linear,spoon-fed story with shallow,boring gameplay on the side so might as well go all-in.
A creepy easter egg you might have missed is when Arya reminds Brienne of her vows after fighting each other, you see the silhouette of a woman in green robes with auburn hair walking in the back. Lots of talk about that silhouette being the ghost of Caitlyn Stark as a nod to lady stoneheart ( the zombified body of Caitlyn) from the books.
lol... New heroes are the only reason I still bother playing the game. That and mysterious heroes game mode in Arcade otherwise i stopped caring about OW. Quick play and competitive is far too redundant. At least Mystery heroes keeps the game fresh all the time by forcing you to try out other heroes and get better at the game. Not insta-pick your noob crotch to carry scrubs asses. So yes, bring on more heroes, keep the game fresh. Also would LOVE more PvE elements like what we got a few months ago.
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