@nibbin1191: Controls are great and the game was fun. What ruined it for me is seeing clowns in full modded gear join your game and make all your grinding/investment in gearing yourself totally obsolete.
@spike6958: Books? what books? Seriously if you believe that even 1/4 of the people following this serie even care about/read the books youre delusional. This show is good cause its good, thats it, thats all. No pretentious ''I read the books so my opinion is more valid'' crap.
After warcraft 3 I just cant see or understand how people can return to these over-simplified old ass SC games. Hell even SC2 didnt improve at all and felt like a step back from WC3. WC3 is the pinnacle of RTS and simply the best Blizzard RTS ever made. That game needs a remake/sequel ALOT more than any shitty SC games.
@oddsnake: i thought it was a really tough level at first too but then I found out you can pretty much skip everything by simply walking on the ropes. Makes the level a breeze even for the trial.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments