How is this not a blatant,uninspired rip off off of DS/Bloodborne? I mean, games like LOTF and The Surge at least changes the art style and aesthetics, but this... lmao
@xOmniCloudx: REmake? RE:0 ?? SW: Rogue Squadron 2 and 3?? Games like CUstom Robot? Yeah right, GC tramped on both the shitbox and overrated station 2 back then.
Seriously they just slapped Chloes skin on instead of Nathan. She basically uses every single animations exactly like those of Drakes in UC4, from the rope jumping (which is something that was shown to Nate by Sam when they were younger) as well as the jump punch after sliding or the way she shakes her hand in front of her face when hiding from bullets. The game literally uses all the same assets and animations but with 2 different characters and voice actors. Pretty immersion breaking imo.
Always love me some good survival horror games and I really enjoyed the first one enough to grab all the DLCs. Cant wait for this!! Now I hope we,d get to learn more about REmake 2 and RE7 Not a hero DLC...
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