GamerOuTLaWzz's comments

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Edited By GamerOuTLaWzz

@Keitha313: You lose your guardian spirit and amrita just like in souls games. Also this game is entirely in *** with subtitles.

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@Arkhalipso: Yeah cause I hado nly played an hour. But this game is a bland, flawed POS.

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Edited By GamerOuTLaWzz

@videogameninja: This game is a turd, read my post above. Doesnt even hold a candle to the masterpieces that are Souls games.

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Edited By GamerOuTLaWzz

Nioh is a repetitive snooze-fest. already bored on the third mission. The combat is pretty basic and dull tbh, the game has no soul, no charm, and is pretty ugly and clunky.

The fact that people constantly complain about backtrackng when this game is full of shitty side-missions that force you to repeat the same,bland maps over and over is staggering at how gullible and sheeple casuls are when they get the chance to hop on the band wagon. This game is ok at best but a fun game to play until march 3. The game also doesnt hold a candle to the Souls serie. Cant believe how bland and generic weapons are. EVERY axes I find all look the same. Hell , whenever I change my old axe for a new one during a mission the new axe will retain the blood that was on the last one I just unequiped and the model basically never changes

I feel like all encounters are the same. Even with stances and the unique moves you unlocked through skills the combat feels repetitive as hell. Theres just no real sensation of progression or immersion where the souls games deliver perfectly with its worlds and bosses. This game truly lack everything that makes a game interesting imo. It has 0 memorable characters unlike LoZ games which are always full of unique NPCs to interact with. You really have to be delusional to believe this shit is better than what BOTW will be.

I could also go on about the terrible atmosphere and music unlike the Souls game with its relaxing, memorable soundtracks i.e Majula or Firelink shrines compared to the god damn shitty annoying cringy kodoma music/sounds when youre waiting at the shrine in this POS game. It has so much flaws I could go on for hours typing this.

(sorry for the loz comparisions as I copy pasted from a reply to someone in another article) but this sums up pretty much this game when you compare it to other similar series OR the true GOTY and GGOAT that will be LoZ:BOTW.

Theres just NO way for this POS to recieve higher scores than the Souls game when it does NOTHING better.

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@silversix_: the fact that youre comparing a LoZ masterpiece to a shallow bioware turd is truly laughable.