Everyday I hope to wake up and see an article about RE3 remake confirmed with a teaser or something I just cant wait to get my hands on this next gem RE2make left me wanting more (and thats after chasing the plat as well as completing each DLC) the game was just that great. Perfect blend of good gameplay mixed with the good old survival horror mechanics that they nailed perfectly. Playing on hardcore first playthrough with the OG soundtrack was simply amazing.
I also want to see RE8 revealed at E3 which cant come soon enough imo. I just got done beating sekiro and dont have much else to play right now. Bought Metro Exodus last night, worst purchase Ive ever made. Game is simply unplayable on PS4 with controls being a real slugfest with tons of controller input lag and deadzones. I beat the 2 previous games 3 months ago bought the redux bundle on sale and the experience was great (2nd being much better than the first which hasnt aged that well) and the controls were NOWHERE that bad.
@aross2004: Theyve been saying for the past year or so that if fans ask for RE3 remake the same way they did for 2 they will make it, as well as how amazing the final product was and how well recieved it got I have no doubt 3 is coming.
@cjtopspin: You nerds seem to forget that even before having a slight clue about the force and Jedis she was already a scrap-digging slave who could scrounge through Star Destroyers carcasses doing flips while hanging from a rope and stuff which is shown in the first scene of the first movie (TFA) which shows she had a good knowledge in gymnastics. Add to that the manipulation of the force and a bit more training from a jedi master and she could easily achieve that.
If I could just get one more Tales from the Borderlands season that game was amazing. Not even a fan of the original games, knew almost nothing about the universe but god damn were the episodes great and memorable it sucks we<ll never get to see what happens with Rhys and fiona ... Ill purchase the final season of TWD when it goes on sale like I did with the previous games (if its even possible anymore?) anyway, for what they were I did enjoy a few telltale games like the GoT one as well. The genre was fun sometimes to change the pace from other games.
@cyclonis99: With no spoilers, first playthrough on hardcore and survive/beat the game by your own by getting lost, backtracking often,actually boarding the windows to prevent further zombies to breach in the RPD etc this game is totally worth the experience and the price. 4 different scenarions, all with their ups and downs in difficulty and orders of events going on, 4th survivor game mode and the added free DLC that added 4 game modes/scenarios which were all unique and fun to beat is way beyond what most SP only games offer nowadays.
Amazing game. Cant wait to see the first article about the next REmake and see what REmake 3 will look like. Both this and Sekiro are high on my goty list so far. RE2 somehow sticked to me and feels memorable. Playing my first playthrough on hardcore for both scenarios truly made the experience great and more immersive where every encounters and new areas would unsettle you and have you reconsider every movements at some points in the game. Anyway, proud platinum to posess as a huge fan of the serie this game was truly a gift. Also, if you consider purchasing the game, make yourself a treat and purchase the OG soundtrack (not sure how much it costs since I got it from the deluxe edition) and swap the default sountrack you will never turn back. Makes the game SO so much more immersive and simply more enjoyable where some areas will have you far more comfortable while other tense moments will have the amazing musics from the original, same for the save room music you cant pass on that classic RE feel.
Yeah not sure why I claimed its their worst the game actually has grown on me and I really love the game so far. Ive progressed alot yet still feel theres a load for me to see still and Ive explored every inches. The combat actually gets alot more manageable when you unlock a few essential skills, prayer beads and just get more experienced at the game. I got over my old Dark souls habits which would constantly get me killed in this game and now actually enjoy the flow of the combat more. Truly a great title.
Yeah not sure why I claimed its their worst the game actually has grown on me and I really love the game so far. Ive progressed alot yet still feel theres a load for me to see still and Ive explored every inches. The combat actually gets alot more manageable when you unlock a few essential skills, prayer beads and just get more experienced at the game. I got over my old Dark souls habits which would constantly get me killed in this game and now actually enjoy the flow of the combat more. Truly a great title.
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