So many doomsayers. Havent seen it yet but I could already tell from the trailers alone that this was going to be the greatest SW movie released in a lonnnnnnnng time.
You guys honestly BETTER have put Salt and Sanctuary somewhere higher in the list cause otherwise you lost all credibility with your shitty GOTY nominees/lists. The fact that such an AMAZING game hasnt been mentioned anywhere so far AND the fact that Dark Souls 3 is 13rd in the list amongst some shitty indie games and the fact that Salt n Sanctuary is not even in the top 5 PS4 games when its probably the best exclusive released on the platform this year shows how much of a bunch of bribed,clueless,hopeless casuals run this site/most gaming sites in general.
@darksouls: My comment applies ot every single game review Ive seen in the past 6 yrs on both this site, ign and pretty much every gaming websites Ive visited. People have that trend to SUCK terribly but believe their opinions matter somehow.
@killercondoms: The fact that you site pokemon go as a game ROFL just contradicts all your argument. PoGAYmon Go is the saddest excuse, joke of a piece of shit of a ''vidoe game'' ever created for the masses of braindead,hopeless, casual sheeps flooding the Earth.
@CacaPooPoo: Except the 3 first levels reflect nowhere the further challenge the game offers in the next worlds. You also dont get to do much in your Mush Kingdom if you dont purchase the entire game.
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