@hystavito: The demo had lots of elements similar to the original games in terms of gameplay and yes, there are upgrades to your weapons etc that requires dirty coins you find throughout the game (also the 1 that transfers from your demo save file to the original game if you managed to complete the secret puzzle in the demo). I was sceptic at first as a HUGE fan of pre-RE4 RE games but now Im truly waiting for this game to come out. Along with REmake 2.
@lonesamurai1: Not to hate on your comment or big N cause Im a nintendo lover but saying that graphics in a game such as Uncharted 4 are a let down is totally ridiculous.
Boycott this shit. Bought it cheap on steam last year cause it always seemed interesting. I did have a couple hours of fun. Dying quick in the first hour or 2 but learning through tips from other players in the chat I eventually learned how to scavenge for materials and b uild my own shelter but the game IS an unfinished pos and felt like DayZ all over again as a glitchy unfinished mess with terrible pathing/ai for the dinos. If people think the combat in skyrim is shallow well its NOTHING compared to the boring,flawed, unsatisfying combat this game has. Its like theres not even hitboxes for the creatures and all you do is swing at something hoping it eventually dies. The game is just boring in the long run. Theres no goal in sight, its flawed, repetitive and deff not worth the price asked.
@Lacerz: Actually hes right with this shit being the most overrated ND work and joke of a game in history of gaming. What a dull,bland, generic experience the first game was. Uncharted SHITS all over this garbage.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments