last FF I played (except for Crystal Chronicles back on NGC) was on SNES. I never was a fan of this franchise and the over-the-top japanese themes/characters (yet I love anime such as naruto and lots of japanese stuff) but I gotta say this games looking great looking forward to the review and maybe a purchase in the future.
@wushuknight25: Dont post this kind of stuff around here, people will call it ''mindless button mashing'' then argue that Crap of Us is the best action/survival/adventure/RPG/puzzle/Racing/sport game ever created. that Naughty Dog are the best developpers and that Uncharted 47837583276576 deserves the movie of the year award.
@fonsicastrol: It IS some old boring ass casual streamlined POS thats been going on for FAR too long. This OLD BORING ASS CASUAL SHIT even crawled its way into other re-skinned piles of garbage like Crap of Us , TR reboot and the new God of War which all play the same and feel like movies with tacked on shallow gameplay. These ''games'' are OLD BORING piles of garbage that should barely be recognized as video games.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments