The demo was utter garbage, somehow I managed to complete it without having to interact with 90% of the house. What a borefest. Disgrace to the name. Classic RE gameplay and design was unique and still is very enjoyable even to this day. Why change something for the worst? Bring REmake 2 asap until then Im passing on this shit.
@cyboricarus: its a disgrace cause yes, its different and its terrible. Classic REs are unique and a winning formula, this Outlast copycat is garbage, the demo was dull as shit and the game will be shit.
@Chutebox: This. Most overrated pile of garbage of the past decade. Cant believe this website is flooded once more with skyrim articles feels like 2011 all over again.
@streetmagik: Maybe thats true, but theres no original Xbox games that holds a candle graphically next to games such as REmake or RE:0 and the Rogue Squadron 2-3 games on NGC which are hardly emulated even today. Also the graphics still hold up VERY well and the games are still gorgeous.
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