@akhirahim: Im 28 and been a huge video games/nintendo fan ever since Im 1, owned all N platforms except for the Wii (well I did buy one 2nd hand but didnt keep it for long) but have been owning a Wii U for more than 2 years now and every day I still log on to play MK8 and played through multiple 1st party titles like Capt Toad Treasure tracker, SM3DW, SMB4, Mk8, Bayo 1/2 , Wonderful 101 DKC:TF and more. No matter your age,if youre a gamer these games are pure candy/gems worth my money/time just as much if not more than 90% of the garbage released on the other 2 ''big'' platformsÂ. No doubt the Switch will be any different with a brand new ,amazing LOZ game and new M64 sequel and whatever else the masters of gaming come out with in the future. NO ONE does video games with brilliant, interesting gameplay like N does.
@jayskoon93: Except the Wii U changes nothing about how games are played and brought brilliant games from our favorite franchises that are worth playing above many shitty PS4/Xbox titles.
Ive been waiting for a long time for this. New proper 64/sunshine sequel. Love 3DW but not as much as the previous games and I never was a fan of galaxy games.
Watching someone spam R1 is so damn dull and generic, shows your lack of skill at DS in general. Yet these scrubs are the ones who end up winning most of the time. Confirmation at the 2:00 mark. Please uninstall.
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