@elheber: My logic is that Mario Kart is Mario Kart, theres no story, the gameplay almost always remained the same except for Double Dash and MK8 which removed the battle mode like you said. Otherwise MK8 does everything better.
@DawgByte2: Im 28 in 3 months and probably played more video games already than you ever will, so yeah,redirect your assumptions to someone else ty. MK8 does everything previous MK games did, in better. EXCEPT for the battle mode.
@saint311: But he looks nothing like the D2 necro nor the one we see in D3 which was a perfect replica of the D2 one but in 3D. Theres really something off-looking with the one in the pics above.
@BigT232: He probably means that they didnt make the mistake or picking the wrong ''sex'' like they did with Sonya that would fit its characters best. I used to wreck havoc as Sonya last summer when I played HOTS alot but I always thought I would prefer playing as the male barb too. And since the sorc from D2 has always been female and the wizard also fits better as the female version in D3 I kind of agree with his comment.
Annnnnd another trilogy than doesnt need to be rebooted at all. The first 2 movies were great and the mummy should remain that way, at least pick another name or something.
@not-john-locke: Its weak cause its multiplayer only and you suck at it? No worries youll get your story driven bore-fest in the future. Also yep,looking at your comment below youre exactly what I expected.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments