Way to support those who bought your shitty under-spec'd consoles 3 years ago. WTF is this non-sense now releasing a new gen every 3 years is the new way to go? Theres no way these clowns are getting a cent from me, no great games on the horizon anyway,all Ive seen from E3 footage are half-baked turds or movies with tacked on gameplay. Even God of War went the casual, stream-lined route. Seems like DS3, doom and Salt n Sanctuary will be the last games I spend my time on until LoZ:breath of the wild is released.
Please, stop calling this shit Resident Evil... its still not too late to change the name, just stop ruining this serie already. Dont you see how well-recieved REmake and RE:0 HD have been? THIS is how Resident Evil must remain, just give us REmake 2 already and a proper RE7 game, not this dull, generic hiding simulator alias Amnesia/outlast clone.
Doom deserves it its such a great game just got the platinum last week now I moved on to Dark Souls 3 and imo that game should also still be in every top 10 as its probably the greatest game to enjoy at the moment.
Currently playing through DOOM and enjoying the hell out of it. From reading the comments below and as a fan of Duke 3D Ill keep this game on my radar from now. Looks fun and great.
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