@azcaz16: Well since the world is far more open and you dont always end up fighting the same rehashed Draugr or Dwarven Robots I can see why this game is a thousand times more enjoyable than the shitty,overrated Skyrim. Truly the best MMO experience you can get for consoles.
@Bread_or_Decide: Just like we could say that Classic RE games have far more realistic Zombies than games such as Left 4 Dead. Or zombies from The Walking Dead show are far more realistic than zombies from World War Z for example. Simply cause something of our imagination doesnt exist doesnt mean it cant look/feel more realistic than someone elses view on the same matter.
@sylvzz: This game is full of little details and small touches in every single maps that makes the game even more immersive than anything BAttlefront 2 has ever done. The single player content is fine and enjoyable for a game that have always been announced as a multiplayer game. They also said that more single player content will be released in the future. The game modes are fun and they couldnt have nailed the warfare feel in Star Wars better than they did with the game right now. SXure, I could complain about the limited available maps but that doesnt stop the game from being polished as hell and pretty enjoyable.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments