Something in me doesnt want this shit to happen... Rogue Squadron games are amongst my favorite games still to this day and the OG trilogy too now I feel that all the soul those things had will be rekt by this shitty spin-off. Nothing in the picture above feels Star Wars-esque.
@alien33: Im 28 and played over a thousand games, so yeah, whatever you try to convince yourself buddy. I probably wreck your ass at any genre with a blind fold. Classic REs are pure gaming gems, I dont care about the casual twats opinions who consider the story and dialogues the main aspects for what makes a ''good game''. Those games are all about the gameplay and Zero nails it just as much as REmake, 2, ,3 and CVX and even Outbreak.
Tomorrow cant come soon enough. I cant take reviewers/people who blame these games on the controls seriously. They ARE what makes classic REs so enjoyable and unique, people have to understand that not every damn games should play the same and become a generic over-the-shoulder 3rd person POS. Learn to adapt, otherwise honestly dont consider yourself a gamer.
@dexda: I honestly never understood the issue with tank controls, the controls, pre-rendered backgrounds, cam angles and gameplay is what makes the classic REs so great.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments