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@martimusprime: oh man there is always one, every thread on reviews, some moron has to pop in throw out the SJW...i really feel as a society we get dumber by the day...proof that Darwin missed one in this guy

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Edited By GamerSince78

If you own a PS4 and don't like cross play, fine, don't use it. But there is zero reason not to want it, as it does nothing but benefit gamers.

A lot of people in here are siding with Sony for no other reason than product loyalty, and little else.

Nothing says stupidity like blind loyalty.

You might have friends who have more than one console, or only one console and want to play with them someday, cross play would make that a reality.

There is zero reason for not wanting cross play, unless you are a Sony stock holder, or work for Sony. PERIOD.

This is such a silly argument. The people raising hell against this just sound immature and ridiculous, but for the most part, Im guessing they are the large bulk of people who dont pay for their own stuff, or know the value of a dollar this would provide for people not in a position to own every console.


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another site, just like IGN, who give this an 8 out of 10 without once mentioning the cost barrier to get back into the game, if like 90% of the other who bought this game, ditched if after launch.

You want honest reviews, dont go to gaming to friends, or at the very least, youtube people that need to be honest to keep their audience.

I mean, imagine what reviews for anything else would look like if you only had the good things discussed.

What a joke.

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Edited By GamerSince78

@lostn: I could not disagree with this comment more.

Let's break this down.

"The Sony business gets nothing out of this".

Considering the benefits of cross play are pretty universally accepted as making your favorite games last longer, with a much bigger install base. I would offer that revenues would actually increase under cross play, as the longer the game is around, the more opportunity to bring in additional money.

Unless you think that when cross play is enabled PS4 players are all of a sudden going to run out and buy an xbox and start purchasing all their cosmetics there, which seems a little ridiculous.


Your theory on branding is notable, except Sony already enables cross play with PC and that has not hurt them at all from a branding perspective, in fact, as mentioned above, it opened up 100s of thousands of new players, making the game last longer, and endearing more fans to certain games, which means more revenue again being bought through add ons like loot boxes and cosmetics. (see rocket league and fortnite)

Sony has their own online service and doesn't need help...

PSN has been down 3 times in the last 3 weeks, and they were also down for 3 months at one point a few years back, and another month over christmas more recently...sounds like Sony would benefit from using Microsoft's cloud architecture. Couple that with the fact that game streaming is on the way, and very soon, and this whole argument is ridiculous as well. They are fighting for an online system that will soon cease to exist.

Cross play isn't a system seller....

Very true for now..but cross play is a microcosm of a bigger movement, similar to PaaS or SaaS in IT...which has been ongoing for years now, and gaming is now starting down the same path. (see Game Pass, PS Plus, EA Access, Steam, etc.)

You make some points that seem valid, but they are not based in facts.

Lastly, i dont understand people like you who are hell bent on putting what is best for Sony ahead of what is best for you and other gamers, this would be one heck of a psychology experiment.

Sorry mate.


Cross play would lead to more revenue, not less for Sony. Cross play is good for the gamer, so why are you so interested in Sony's interests over your own, or at least what is best for gamers.

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Edited By GamerSince78

@mimzymoo: sorry, I wasn't calling YOU a fanboy, it was meant in general terms.

It is pretty common nowadays to see Windows based items on Apple machines, SQL server running on top of Oracle, etc, etc.

Gaming is a little behind IT, be the premises are all the same. You want your ecosystem to be as open as possible, which is why cross play is becoming such a big topic, it is a microcosm of a much bigger movement in gaming and information technology.

This trend will continue, and likely speed up in the foreseeable future.

Gaming is entering the golden age right now...You are starting to see investment in gaming where you would have never seen it ten years ago. ESPN and NBC are all buying up programs dedicated to gaming. It wont be long before MLG is on tv...networks cant compete with HBO, Showtime, etc, but they can make great reality shows, as they are cheap. What is cheaper than having gaming on TV? We are about to see this industry blow up in a very big way.

It is a great time to be a gamer.

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This is an odd post. It has been years since apps were OS centric. The days of iPhone making apps for only iPhones have been done for a while. This is one of the major reasons Apple gave up a commanding lead in market share to new entrants. People don't want to be told they cant use certain apps on certain phones.

Look up the term "consumerization of IT", I think you will be surprised by what you learn.

There has been a movement for years now towards getting everything to play across ecosystems.

This is what makes Sony's stance so tone deaf. If you watched E3 this year, you would have heard a lot about games as a service. Consoles wont even exist in another 5 - 10 years, our games will be streamed. Publishers are already making the change (Ubi, Msft game pass, EA access, etc.).

When you start looking at all the moving parts, this just reeks of Sony protectionism, and it is losing battle. It is like government trying to protect coal...its dying, not coming back...Consoles are dying, not coming back.

Seems a very odd hill to fight on if you are Sony.

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Edited By GamerSince78

@LeoKRock: Another thought...and this really bugs me, when PS mentions that cross play would hurt them financially. This is a ridiculous argument.

If PS4 opens up cross play, i'm not all of a sudden going to start buying all my cosmetics on Xbox or PC, or buying where i play the majority of my games, and i play my games where the majority of my friends are. Your social ecosystem is a much bigger driver of where you buy your games than are services or options on that console.

Lastly, if they allow cross play, these games will actually last longer, which means more opportunity to sell more loot boxes, cosmetics, etc, ...which.....

Wait for actually more revenue in the long run, not less.

Where do people find these gaming analysts? Best Buy?

Any time I hear Michael Pachter and gaming news in the same sentence, I run the other way. He is wrong more often then Miss Cleo.

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Edited By GamerSince78

@pauloamistad: exactly this.

I would also add. Microsoft thought by creating the OneX everyone would buy 3 party games there, they didnt. Why? Simple, people play where their friends are.

If people are buying PS for exclusives, they are likely buying their 3 parties there as well, that is their social ecosystem, and that is not going to change with cross play.

This theory about PS4 losing money with cross play is ridiculous, daft, and not based in reality.

If PS4 opens up cross play, im not all of a sudden going to start buying all my cosmetics on Xbox or PC, or buying where i play the majority of my games, and i play my games where the majority of my friends are.

Lastly, if they allow cross play, these games will last longer, which means more opportunity to sell more loot boxes, cosmetics, etc, longer...which is actually more revenue, not less.

Where do people find these gaming analysts? Best Buy?

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@mimzymoo: cross play is good for you, thats why you want it...why do you care, in any fashion, what is good for Sony? Are you a shareholder? Have family that works there?

While your points are all very valid about buying in specific dont get any of that revenue, so why do you care?

This is a baffling argument to me, people who look after these corporations before themselves...just bewildering.