@jlenoconel: im not sure what your argument is here? How does being gay have anything to do with what I said? If you read my comment, you would see i don't like censorship either, as i said, people can vote with their wallets, games are art, etc, etc...
Maybe my point was not as articulate as it should have been. I wasn't saying all gamergate people are bad, but hard to depict gamergate as anything other than an issue on women in gaming and their depictions in that genre.
A better example for you might be, where are all the strong Gay characters in gaming? I think that is what girls are looking for, the same thing men/boys get from gaming characters, strong leading men...you have a handful for woman, Lara Croft would be an example. But even with her, look at the way they dress her...it is laughable, but we never said anything because up until about 10 years ago, gaming was dominated by men. Not the case anymore. I think women should demand more from an industry that they are 50% responsible for supporting, yes, 50% of gamers nowadays are women.
@nurnberg: you obviously missed the point of that post, and really, the idea behind sexism in gaming. No worries big guy, you can always pay for sex and / or keep lying about how your g/f goes to another school or lives in another city haha.
You know they have internet now for your little problem brah, you don't need to pay 60 dollars for girls jumping around on your console.
@nurnberg: you are a moron. Get out of your parents basement, figure out what the real world is, then come back and comment on things that you might then begin to understand.
Social Justice is not a bad thing, it is just easily confused with the overly PC dialogue that sometimes permeates our social discord. If Social Justice was as awful as you make it out to be the world might look a little different. The suffrage movement, civil rights, hell, even things as simple as seatbelts all came through SJ...but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your idiotic rant.
I put you at about 17 or 18, just old enough to know some things, but still young enough to think you know everything.
I love watching how Asian game and anime developers depict woman. It is like the guy that sits in the corner at dances trying to find the courage to even look at girls. Then we have gamergate boys who started as those losers at the dance, and have graduated to angry people because they are unable get laid, and turn into women hating rage monsters. Pathetic on lots of fronts.
With that said, in my opinion, games are art...and as such, i think people should be able to make what they want. As the consumer, you choose to buy the game or not. I am not here to tell people what they should or should not like. If there is a market in the west for this game, they should roll it out here as well.
People are way to interested in other people's business.
GamerSince78's comments