@plus_1: nope...i own it on both PC and Xbox one X..and my internet is 125 down, 35 up......and the game still looks and runs like crap...I like PUBG...love it in fact...but i don't need to lie about it to validate my purchases either. It is no mystery that this is game is CPU heavy, and the result of that is lackluster performance. My PC is running an 1080 GPU and an i9, and this game still chugs. Xbox cant even come close to that power, even if you are running the one X. So please...don't come in here and throw around poor internet speeds, its laughable for anyone who plays this game more than once. Lots of people can love the game and still be honest about it you, you should try it.
The inventory system alone on Xbox was enough to turn most players off this game. But I'm sure we are all lying about that too right? lol.
@neoistheone: blah blah blah...and RDR 2 and BF5 both have BRs coming and everyone will forget about both..PUBG was first in but is crap lol..it is the ugliest looking game i have ever seen.
@plus_1: this game blows on xbox...you are not fooling anybody...released a mess..still a mess..and i have it thanks..on xbox one x...only worth playing this game on pc...xbox is laughably bad
@Mogan: no he wont...Hawaii (chris king) and other legislators are already tackling this issue...loot boxed will be deemed gambling shortly, and all this crap will change
@Mogan: meh...that is arguable...their revenue streams are all built on the back of loot boxes...when legislation passes around those very same loot boxes (which is being discussed now), those revenue streams could dry up quickly. Watch how fast EA stock price drops when loot boxes get discontinued as they are today.
im done with Battlefield until they release another bad company...BF 1 was fun, but got boring quickly...I hate conquest, and this seems to be the only game mode battlefield takes seriously...Rush was always my favorite...an actual objective...Bad company was created with rush maps in mind.
Wake me up with they remember about Haggard and Sweet Water.
@legendaryh1tman: i wish...would love it, but Dice treats the bad company series like a unwanted disease...that game was a huge success, and a fan favorite for most. Their response...nothing for 10 years. I just dont understand it.
cant wait for Dice to totally ignore the Bad Company franchise again, i mean, BF BC2 (in my opinion) is only the best game they have made in last 15 years. It sits right there with BF 3 and 4 for truly immersive and fun games...I really dont understand why they have waited so long to pick up this series again, it is so weird.
I could live with a BF WW2 as well, or something modern again like BF5...but i would really love BF BC3
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