You say that as if it's obvious that a game should deteriorate over time. I don't know if I necessarily agree! I haven't got a wiiU but the original WW is still a 9.5 in my mind.
But something like 95% of violent crime in the world is committed by men. It seems to me that they're entirely within their rights to accurately portray the reality.
It's a game about criminals. How do you think they treat women in this kind of world? Any call for rockstar to make a politically correct game, as opposed to one that represents reality, is incredibly destructive to creativity and could easily turn into a form of blackmail against developers.
It's not really a legitimate criticism though is it (assuming you meant the misogyny). It's not really a game developer's job to be politically correct, unless they want to. They were trying to represent reality and therefore the criticism that women were badly portrayed is no more valid than "it's too violent". Neither are appropriate for reviewing this sort of game.
While it's completely unacceptable to start insulting a reviewer because you disagree with what they've written (stop ruining the gaming community people), I do personally think that was a bad call for a game review. This sort of subject really needs to be handled in the context of gaming on the whole, as opposed to in a single game review. Political correctness is the cancer of creativity and free expression and last time I checked this was a game about the criminal classes. They should get an extra point for accurately representing reality not deducted one because it's a reality that's unpleasant.
Dude, HL2 EP2 is one of the most brilliant examples of game design in existence (imo, better than the main game). Who cares if it was presented in this stupid format? Get it played!
It's not closed and obvious if you don't know if everyone else survived! If all you cared about was the survival of the planet (and Red XIII) then yeah, it was perfectly closed. But I actually cared about the rest of the cast!
Assuming the writer of the article is correct, there WAS a lot more to it than that. The ending left it open for interpretation as to whether everyone had survived or not. I have to admit I never realised that (I'd just assumed they all had), but it does seem to fit with the ending.
Not sure what you mean by 'pixel art'. FF7 is pre-rendered backgrounds and 3D models. I'd put my neck on the line and say they'll never make an HD version of it. If they still had all of the model data for the pre-rendered backgrounds, they'd have made an HD version a while back. Assuming they don't have that option, they'd make a full 3D remake instead. Just play it in the epsxe emulator with the high-resolution texture plugin. That's the best you'll get for quite a while!
Lol, as opposed to the other kinds of crying? All jokes aside, I completely agree. One of the best endings to a game there's been. Why on earth did they ruin it with that j-pop charlie's angels rubbish!?
garywood69's comments