[QUOTE="ermacness"]But again, not NEARLY as much as 360 catching RROD's. The YLOD was problematic in a much smaller sense than the RROD. 1 out of every 3 consoles was said to fail because of it, and every 360 at one point, was subject to fail. Please don't try to put the RROD and the YLOD in the same sentence. Both flaws are not anywhere near comparable.
P.S. That wasn't the only fault that the 360 had either;)
Not 1/3 360's broke. I have real numbers to prove you wrong as well. 1/3 console's breaking? There's no numbers to prove that. Say even if it had a 30% failure rate at launch, that would mean almost having a 1/3 chance of breaking, not 1/3 consoles breaking. Anyone can make up numbers. RROD is pretty much gone, while the YLOD is alive and well in the fat PS3's.
Really bro??!?!?!!!! You're comparing old models ps3 (even though they have a new sku at retail on sale in stores now) to a new 360???!?!!!!! Even then, the RROD really didn't become completely gone until the new slim sku 360 released. The jasper did help put it at a very low rate, but the Zephyr (if i'm spelling it correctly) and the Falcon didn't resolve it, even the Elite and the Halo 3 Edition 360 had it and the Elites, H3 edition, and the Falcon was suppose to fix it, but didn't.Also, just to let you know, i have a ps3,360 and a Wii. Now guess which of those 3 consoles i haven't had to send back to the factory for faulty hardware? Now guess which of those 3 consoles i had to send back the most because of faulty hardware?;)
the wii never sent and 360 always sent.
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