genaroll's forum posts
[QUOTE="Jamani"]Since you brought the Ps3 into this what about Fable..Forza.Splintercell.Mass Effect..x-com..crackdown..Alan wake ..Banjo...... lost odyessey......command and crysis game..metro 2023.....nintey nine nights2.........X-Box Live....CROSS GAME CHAT!!! without using a disc.....indie games....kinect.....shall I continue.hellhundKinect looks awful, the indie games are mostly crap but some are only garbage, Netflix with or without a disc is equally great, XBox Live & cross game chat come with an additional price, Ninety-Nine Nights 2 is a sequel to a bad game, viva pinata is a niche game for people that don't like fun, most people are still waiting for a true Banjo game, Alan Wake is disappointingly short, X-Com isn't even out, Mass Effect was FAR better on PC. Yes, please do go on.... Move looks awful,the psn games are very rare and the one that you do find can be played on the psp or 360,Netflix with a disc isn't as good,Psn+ comes with a price equall to xbox live but with way less features,Uncharted 2 is a sequel to a bad game,Heavy rain is a niche game for people that don't like fun,most people are still waiting for a true multiplayer game,God of war 3 was super duper short,Gran turismo is still not out,Bayonneta was far better on the 360.Yes please do go on....
not at all. I have a 13" 1.2 lb block of manlyness sitting behind my TV, quieting humming: "Ps3 has only a plug". I understand if it upsets you, that you only get a little itty bitty plug. If power supply could fight, Xbox would kick the **** out of PS3. And again, the "highly customizable tactical faceplace mounting system" keeps my xbox looking fresh with such up to date designs as Kameo and Perfect dark. The xbox has sooo many more features than the PS3, and even the shape is more efficient. and now that Xbox has WiFi and ps3 doesn't, theres no contest. Plus, shiny is sooooo much better than yucky matte finish. Tony Danza would not be caught dead with a matte finish console. And hes from the STREET[QUOTE="dRuGGeRnaUt"][QUOTE="Kahuna_1"]
Your joking right?
Hahaha, I have never seen someone satisfied with an external power supply.
Hahaha.I have never seen someone satisfied with a broken internal power supply.Miiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnddddd WooooorrrrrrrrppppppWhos gonna tell no thumb willy that he can't play the move.not being able to control a movie while sitting is... DUMB
and who gets to be the first person to tell disabled Billy that he can't play kinect because he's in a wheelchair?
[QUOTE="Mestitia"][QUOTE="clone01"] fair enough...btw, do you have that gamertag i've been asking about?clone01My nick is one of my many GT's. funny...i've typed every iteration of that tag into, and it doesn't seem to show up. what's another gamertag of yours? xxps3fanBoyxx or probably xxcowxx It's one of them for sure.
Words cannot describe how super duperly amazingly funny that post is.This is whats wrong *from another thread i posted in*
[QUOTE="genaroll"][QUOTE="dRuGGeRnaUt"] I just went and tilted my PC and wrecked my WOW disc, then I was mad so I went and tilted my Samsung DVD player and wrecked my BEST copy of everybody loves raymond. So you are wrong. not my fault you have a SUPER PC and DVD player.. Almost any tray based disc drive CAN scratch discs if moved inproperly. If that wasn't the case, why do they use different DVD drives on Laptops with the spindle lock??dRuGGeRnaUtNo my friend the 360 is one of the very few that scracthes disk because the disc spins super duper ultra fast.Computers install automatically dvd players only if you put it upside down my friend.Ok my friend.My friend ok? okay my friend. okay.. so i see now, it isn't about the disc scratching thats upsetting people, it's the fact that the Xbox disc drive is SOOOOO fast it makes everyone else's seem inferior... I understand now. Computers install automatically.. what does that even mean? and about the DVD players: What if i want to turn it upside down! IT SHOULDNT SCRATCH THATS THE DVD PLAYER MAKERS FAULT "NOT MINE What i don't even know how to answer you right now.Read my post again and you won't be confusing me so much.Plus why would you turn a dvd player upside down.You making it hard for me to be a lemming my friend.Real hard my friend.
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