@monktheking re. LOTRO: Before or after the changes to the Epic quest? There are now solo versions of all the main quest chapters that used to require a group. WoW is completely solo friendly. It has some group quests but you can skip them, since they're not part of a continuing storyline. In WoW you have to raid or be prepared to grind your rear-end off if you want the really good gear. LOTRO raid gear is only useful in raids, where you need radiance - with reasonable amount of work you can craft or buy the same thing without the radiance. I'm not very familiar with DDO.
These games are limited by technology. They have to work in a Web browser, which means the best they can do is Flash and point and click. I guarantee someone is coming up with a 3D browser based game engine that will allow much nicer aesthetics and interaction and make the current generation of social games obsolete. I'm guessing we'll see Wii level graphics in the same sort of games that are popular on the Wii, only social. Oh, and unless I'm missing something, MMO's are hardcore social gaming...
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