@snowplow123: BW's entire basis, literally, for thinking the reviewer has a "personal" problem with him is that he blocked him on Twitter. Seriously? What is this, high school? Whatever issue he may have, if it's not just an effort to clean up his timeline, a Twitter block does not scream deep personal resentment to me.
And frankly BW's arguments are lame. They sound just like all the randoms who post their opinions here, including such gems as comparing the Goat Simulator review score to this one, saying the game is "objectively excellent," and blaming the SJW conspiracy. I guess that's one way to generate a few sales from the GG holdouts who will support you out of principle...
All I know is Stardock has been releasing mediocre games since Elemental, which was also initially broken and remained so for years. They need to put more effort into their releases and lose the productivity software mindset they've carried over into game development. Everything they do is very by the numbers and lacks innovation.
Even with the ownership requirement Steam lets you claim a refund now if you play less than 2 hours. I fully believe some people in the rabble would buy the game just to give it a bad review and then get the refund.
And you don't need to buy it to tag the review as helpful, so they got bombed that way.
@Sozialminister: What exactly is an "SJW?" It doesn't mean what it originally did. It used to refer to "slacktivist" types who talked a big game but were only in it for the publicity, like the Kony guy was accused of being. Now I've seen it applied to anyone left of Hitler. A term so loosely and indiscriminately applied requires you to say how you define it.
ggregd's comments